
4 steps to get control of relationship jealousy

Like most people, I'm no stranger to jealousy -- I know, every time it hits, that I'm being irrational, but still, I've spent days brooding over little things like the way a friend of mine looked at my partner.
Recently, stuck in the middle of another jealousy rut, I hit the internet in an attempt to regain control over my mind.

Academic databases were no help; for a universal human experience, jealousy is the subject of surprisingly little research. I did learn no single theory to date can explain all the facets of this complex emotion, which didn't do much to calm me down.
Google results, page after page, were equally disappointing: On forum after forum, I read responses along the lines of "Been there," or "Don't worry, she clearly loves you!" The mental health websites didn't have much more to offer, either, doling out advice like "Try to be objective" and "Don't let it control you!" To me, it all sounded like telling someone with depression, "Just don't be sad!"

So I took my search for answers offline, paying a visit to the most knowledgeable jealousy expert I could think of: relationship coach Effy Blue, who specializes in nonconventional arrangements -- open relationships, polyamorous relationships, or other unconventional partnerships. I was curious: What do people in nonmonogamous relationships, who voluntarily put themselves in the most jealousy-triggering situations, do?

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Blue says she frequently hears from people who felt entirely comfortable agreeing to let their partner going on a date with someone else -- until the partner was actually on the date.

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